How much sleep is necessary for mental and physical health?

 How much sleep is necessary for mental and physical health?

You may have heard many people brag about their lack of sleep, but lack of sleep can do amazing things to our mind and body.

Even getting to know low sleepers will make you question their judgment and rationality.

This book has the potential to change your life.

He thinks people have become too busy and try to do too much in too little time. According to the evidence that has come out, such people do not get enough sleep.

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We cannot neglect our physical needs for long. Getting enough sleep is a basic need. If it is not taken care of, the result can be physical disorders and diseases.

This article by Professor Matthew Walker is about the importance of sleep and a healthy lifestyle.

Why is sleep important?

Studies of millions of patients have shown that sleep and aging are directly related. The less sleep, the shorter the lifespan.

So if you want to live longer and be healthier, do whatever it takes to get enough sleep.

Sleep is a recipe for keeping oneself healthy that does not cost anything, nor is it a bitter medicine that one should not hesitate to drink.

In fact, sleep has so many benefits that Professor Walker has begun to convince doctors to prescribe sleep as a treatment for their patients.

Sleep has countless benefits. There is no part of the mind and body that is not adversely affected by lack of sleep, but the sleep should be natural because sleeping pills can cause other ailments.

Effects of poor sleep on the mind and body

Almost all the leading causes of death in developed countries are related to sleep deprivation in some way.

These include Alzheimer's disease, cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies.

Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of all physical and mental functions.

Because the breakdowns in our body and mind are repaired during sleep and we wake up refreshed. But if the sleep is not complete, the repair is also incomplete.

After 50 years of scientific research, sleep experts say that the question is not 'what are the benefits of sleep', but 'is there anything that sleep does not benefit from'?

So far nothing has been discovered for which sleep has not been found beneficial.

How long is enough sleep?

Less than seven hours of sleep affects physical and mental performance and the body's immune system against diseases.

Being awake for 20 hours straight has the same effect on a person as taking a legal overdose of a narcotic.

One of the problems with sleep deprivation is that you don't immediately realize its ill effects.

It's just like a drunk person who thinks he's fine, but you know he's not.

Why not deep sleep?

During the last 100 years, there has been a clear decrease in sleep in developed countries.

Now people don't get deep sleep due to which they can't even dream. 

(Deep sleep is called 'REM sleep' or rapid eye movement sleep in medical terms. 

Ignorance of importance

Although scientists are aware of the importance of sleep, they have not yet tried to educate the public about it.

Most people do not realize its importance and therefore do not think much about it.

The pace of life

Usually we do a lot of work and then travel takes a lot of time. We leave early in the morning and come home late in the evening.

Then we also want to spend time with family and friends. Also watch TV for some time. All these result in lack of sleep.

Perceptions and attitudes about sleep

A big problem is our perception of sleep. If you tell someone that nine hours of sleep is necessary, they will look at you strangely.

Because in the opinion of common people, only a lazy person sleeps for such a long time. Oversleeping has become so notorious that people are proud of how little they sleep.

In comparison, when a child sleeps more, it is considered good. Because more sleep in children is considered necessary for growth.

But as we age, our attitude towards sleep begins to change. Rather, oversleepers are reprimanded.

round and round

We are losing the darkness of the night.

For good and healthy sleep we need a hormone or chemical called 'melatonin' which our body produces only in darkness.

One of the unfortunate effects of industrialization is that we are now constantly bathed in light.

It gets worse with LED screens because blue light further reduces melatonin production.

Is it possible to repair the damage?

Yes and No: Past time cannot be returned but good change can be made at any time. The idea that you can make up for lost sleep later is wrong.

Therefore, sleeping less during the week and sleeping too much on the day off can never make up for lost sleep.

For this, it is necessary to change the daily routine and give full time to sleep. Its benefits will be immediate. There is evidence of this.

For example, a study of a group (with complaints of excessive snoring and shortness of breath due to sleep disorders) found that those who did not get enough sleep persisted in their complaints. However, people who changed their habits and started sleeping deeply benefited from it.

Can sleep be stored?

I wish it could be!

Well, this is the case with fat. When good and abundant food is available, it is stored in our body and in case of lack of food, this fat is dissolved and provides us with energy.

But this is not possible for sleep because this problem is of modern age. It did not exist in the evolutionary process of man. Therefore, there can be no qadha of sleep, nor can it be paid in advance.

Get a good night's sleep

.2 Accustom yourself to the dark, dim the lights and turn off screens an hour before bed.

.3 Keep the temperature at 18 degrees Celsius which is ideal

.4 If you can't sleep, don't lie in bed for more than twenty minutes

.5 Caffeine is a stimulant, so cut it in half at least 12 hours before bed

.6 Alcohol does not improve your relaxation and it blocks your REM or deep sleep

Why do we sleep', by Professor Walker

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