Reduce MIGRAINE Headaches by 95% (4 Simple Steps) 2023
Are you sick and tired of having migraine headaches all the time new research just published building on existing research shows a path that you can take to decrease the frequency and severity of your chronic migraines I'm Dr Ken Berry a family physician who also used to suffer from severe chronicmigraines this video is going to help you understand what steps you need to take to stop being a chronic migrator it's estimated that about 4 million people in the United States alone suffer
from chronic migraines and I don't have to tell you the days of lost work the hours of lost enjoyment the pain the suffering and the decrease in your ability to just interact with other people when you have chronic migraines now it's definitely true that your genetics make you more likely to suffer from migraine headaches but the truth of the matter is is that the severity of your migraines and the frequency of your migraines are determined by the foods that you eat the study I'm talking about
was a 16 week long randomized controlled trial in human beings there were 182participants and they divided these participants up into three groups one group they just gave them more omega-3 rich foods to eat and everything else stayed the same the second group they
increased the amount of Omega-3 rich foods and decrease the amount of omega-6 rich foods and then the third group of subjects was the control arm they just they didn't change anything at all
these researchers found that the greatest reduction in migraine frequency and migraine severity
came to those in the the study group where they increased the amount of their omega-3 intake and decreased their amount of omega-6 fatty acid intake now
these people weren't taking supplements
okay so don't go buy an omega-3 fatty acid supplement they were just eating
more omega-3 rich foods and they were also decreasing the amount of omega-6
rich foods that they ate and the omega-6 part is is peculiar because really the vast majority of the omega-6 fatty acids that you get mainly linoleic acid comes from vegetable oils adding these vegetable oils onto salads and other cold foods or cooking with these omega-6
Rich vegetable oils there was previously another randomized control trial in
human beings that showed that increasing omega-3 intake and decreasing omega-6 intake also decreased the severity and frequency of migraine headaches I'm going to link to both of these studies down in the show notes so that when you have that conversation with your doctor
you can print these studies out and take them along with you so now that you know
what these studies say how exactly do you need to proceed to reduce your frequency and severity of chronic migraine headaches so the number one thing based on these two studies that you need to do is reduce your intake of linoleic acid that is an omega-6 fatty
acid that many experts have linked to oxidation and inflammation in your body specifically in your brain the most common offenders the the the vegetable oils that have the highest percentage of linoleic acid are as follows safflower
oil grapeseed oil poppy seed oil sunflower oil hemp oil corn wheat germ oil cottonseed oil soybean oil walnut oil sesame oil dry spray and oil pistachio oil peanut oil and canola oil
now by far the most highly consumed of these for most people around the world are soybean oil corn a corn oil canola oil peanut oil you need to stop eating anything that contains them or anything
that is cooked in them by doing this one step you're going to drastically reduce the amount of linoleic acid that you ingest now keep in mind putting these oils on your skin I think is totally fine you're not going to absorb them in
any meaningful way so if you have any kind of oil for your hair skin made of these oils I think they're perfectly safe and fine it's the eating the ingesting of these oils that leads to oxidation and inflammation in your brainnand other body organs so if you have any of these oils in your house you need to throw them in the garbage and then in
the future any packaged food you buy or anytime you to you eat in a restaurant you're going to ask them what's this cooked in you're going to look on the ingredient list and see if any of these
vegetable oils are in the ingredients if so you're not going to eat that food and when you go to a restaurant you're going to ask them to cook your food in beef
Tallow or butter or in bacon grease or Yi and that way you're avoiding these
very high levels of linoleic acid the second thing I want you to take note of is the tens of thousands of anecdotal studies or individual people who have had results they absolutely have results
by following the results of these studies but they also number two they remove all added sugar and all high sugar fruits and fruit juices and fruit smoothies from their diet that's going to help even more and that works by lowering your insulin level your insulin
level has a dramatic effect on your thelevels of your other hormones in yourbody so when you return your insulilevel back to low normal all your otherhormones are going to normalize as welland we know that hormones matter in this because women are three times morelikely to have chronic migraines than
men although I'm the I'm the odd man outI used to have them but on average it'sthree times more common in women and that's probably because of their the differences in hormones step number
diet the most common being wheat riceoats corn and TEF removing all thesegrains from your diet is again going to help lower your chronically elevated insulin level back to low normal whichis going to allow your other hormones a chance to normalize and then step four is to remove all liquid Dairy from your
diet that any liquid Dairy that's lessfat than heavy cream or whipping creamor double creamthey are going to have two too high proportion of lactose which is milk sugar which again is going to break down into galactose and glucose which is going to raise your insulin level andkeep it chronically elevated so you're not going to drink any of these lower fat dairies and you're not going to eatanything that contains fat for your skinor two percent Dairy following these four steps is going to drasticallyreduce the severity and the frequency of your migraine headache so much to thepoint where you may not have to take
your preventative migraine medicationanymore and if you don't have to do that anymore congratulations tens of thousands of people have used these four steps to either reduce or completel reverse their chronic migraine status if anybody's used these four steps in their diet in their personal life please put your story in the comments underneath this video so that people who are new to this way of eating who might not believe this crazy doctor from Tennessee can read your story and say oh yeah it worked for them and they're just like me I went to two of the larger websites that uh are tasked with taking care of people with chronic migraines and helping them to have fewer migraines I
went to the American migraine foundation and I did a search for little Lake acid and as you can see there were no resultsfound although there was a donation button that was very prominent
I then went to the migraine trust another large organization that's committed to doing research and helping people with chronic migraines search for linoleic acid and again no results were found but again the Donate button was very prominent so if you haven't heard a
lot about this kind of research out
there from the migraine organization
that you're a part of I'm not sure why
they're not more interested in talking
about dietary ways to decrease the
severity and the intensity and the
frequency of your migraine headaches but
currently they're not very interested if
you go to the American Heart Association
website they actually recommend oils
that are very very high in linoleic acid
for cooking because they think that
they're better for your heart health the
research doesn't support this and if
you're a chronic migreneur I would
definitely recommend you ignore the
American Heart association's
recommendations on which oils to cook
with and which oils to eat if you have a
friend or a family member who suffers
from chronic severe migraines please
share this video with them it could
absolutely increase the quality of their
life just by sharing this video this is
Dr Berry I'll see you next time