How dangerous can cooking in fat be for you?
This was said by Shaughta Bibi, who belongs to the lower middle class and could barely afford cooking oil and ghee earlier due to inflation in the country, but now she is forced to use chicken fat for cooking after the three-fold increase in the prices of food items, especially oil and ghee.
He and several people in his neighborhood bring fat scraps from the poultry shop, which are cleaned from chicken meat, and cooked to extract the fat, which is later used for cooking.
Shagutta Bibi's family had to pay a heavy price for this thrift of a few rupees. Her husband is currently in the hospital's ICU. His blood pressure skyrocketed and the arteries in his brain threatened to burst, after severe breathing problems doctors barely managed to save his life.
Taking information about the medical history and eating habits, the doctor found that her husband had no other ailments and apparently no complex medical problems in the family, but the high consumption of fat in his diet for the past two years seemed to be a major cause.
Shaughta Bibi's husband is a daily wage labourer. After covid-19, work is not the same as before, so to support this family of five people, Shaugafta Bibi herself started working as a nanny in a school. Still the income was not enough to buy quality food items.
But didn't the cost of hospital and medicines prove to be expensive for the money saved from edible oil?
Shagufat Bibi is not alone in doing this. Rather, a large number of poor and underprivileged people in Pakistan melt fat from not only chicken but also cow, buffalo and goat meat to obtain fat and cook with it, but how harmful is this to their health?
How expensive can eating fat be?
Cardiologist Dr. Masood Al Hasan says that consuming fat or ghee is not so harmful as long as it is consumed in small amounts and along with exercise and walking routine.
He said that 'all those fats which are called saturated fats including ghee, butter, desi ghee and fat, their excessive consumption is harmful to health. Saturated fats are fats that freeze at room temperature or in cold climates. '
According to Dr. Masood Al Hasan, if a person already has high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease, consuming fat or fat can be dangerous for them.
He explained that when a person eats fat, it reaches the intestines through the stomach, where it is absorbed and enters the blood. There they go through the blood vessels to the liver. Where the fat is digested according to the body's requirement and the rest is stored in the liver. Similarly, the excess amount of fat circulating in the blood vessels begins to accumulate in various places, especially near the heart.
Dr. Masood Al Hasan says that if even a healthy man consumes fat daily, it has been observed that within a few weeks his weight starts to increase and the fat in his blood vessels increases and the stomach starts to protrude. '
Although a person is born with a certain amount of fat in the blood vessels. But when the amount of fat in the blood vessels exceeds 50%, angina occurs and if the arteries are completely blocked, a heart attack can occur. '
He further said that 'not only this, but the fat circulating in the blood makes the heartbeat irregular. And this fat starts accumulating not only in the arteries of the heart but also in the arteries of the neck and brain. Then there is obstruction in the leg and kidney vessels. It causes paralysis, blindness, blood pressure, kidney failure. Daily consumption of fat eventually leads to increased fat in the ducts.
Dr. Masood Al Hasan said that if a person is not apparently fat, but his stomach is enlarged, it means that there is a layer of fat on the stomach as well. Because it can also lead to high blood pressure and heart diseases.
He further said that 'fat and carbohydrates are also related. Therefore, you want to reduce the consumption of starches and carbohydrates because these are also converted into fat later.
He further said that it is very important to have the ingredients included in the food in proportion. If everything is eaten in moderation and exercise is included in the daily routine, their ill effects can be greatly reduced and eliminated.
What to do if the amount of fat in the blood increases?
Dr. Masood Al Hasan gave some suggestions in case of high blood fat level:
Drink more water especially in the morning before breakfast and before meals
Include vegetables in your diet, but avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peas
Eat radish leaves boiled or in the form of salad, they are anti-oxidants
Eat turnips and their leaves
Eat kino it reduces body fat.
It is useful to drink this drink by putting cano peels in boiled water
Consume protein, such as poultry and fish in moderation
Reduce salt intake
Exercise and take brisk walks
Quit smoking and stay away from stress and tension
'Dietary fat reduction is insufficient for obesity'
How much fat do you use?