Vitamin C Ke Fayda - Vitamin C For Face - Vitamin C Serum - Benefits Of Vitamin C For Skin In Urdu

 Vitamin C Ke Fayda - Vitamin C For Face - Vitamin C Serum - Benefits Of Vitamin C For Skin In Urdu

Pakistan top doctors appointments. I'm Dr. Shirin Ansari your dermatologist. I'm also head of Department Polyclinic.

Hospital the positive effects or benefits of vitamin C vitamin C is the most abundant naturally occurring um vitamin in nature and is almost bread and butter I am talking

about the topical your application key vitamin C creams and serums and the market is of course flooded with them

is with exposure to sunlight and with uh you know UVA exposure also there is damage to the collagen and damage to the cells of the skins slowly slowly slowly around the time that we hit 30 this sea

mantle is depleted vitamin C applications free oxygen radicals they cause damage to the cells of the skin in order to keep them in check and to remove them from the skin and to have

a beautiful youthful looking skin we must replenish vitamin C another tip is please also if you can add vitamin E to the C they both potentiate effects in irregular applications

and you will maintain your youthful look for a very long time the other effects that vitamin C has positive effect is in the collagen or Genesis College vitamin C is one of the cofactors For

the synthesis of collagen or ski Integrity or this is another way that the vitamin C is keeping you youthful uh also it is a deep pigmenting agent it has deep pigmenting properties

uh pigment producing mechanism pigment producing Joe pathway vitamins it causes less pigment to be formed uh which we call melanogenesis so vitamin C interferes with melanogenesis and keeps

your complexion at an even tone uh also of course we all know the wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C and A acne maybe as an anti-inflammatory adjuvant to other acne

treatment and also in conditions like rosacea etcetera uh what are the do's for application of vitamin C is because then you will not maintain a um you know uh consistent level in your skin to be

honest with the application of your vitamin C serums or creams whatever you want to apply the second thing is that do not apply Vitamin C during the sunlight hours because that doesn't go

well it doesn't respond well and it will react adversely in the presence of sunlight Vitamin C application application so for that of course change your formulation stop the usage for a

while and let the inflammation subside let the adverse reactions subside and you may try changing your vitamin C product um so all in all it is a natural

substance it is a natural vitamin uh you it is safe it is extremely beneficial and it will keep you being youthful and beautiful for a long long time and of

course as the research goes on better and better formulations are coming up and there's many combination treatments with vitamin C so keep that in mind and remain beautiful for a long time why not

Pakistan top doctors appointment.

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